
Schmitty Psalm #1

The Lord my God, You are my strong deliverer.
You, my Savior, will place victory around me.
My victory is not what I forsaw;
Your blessings I counted as curses.
But your faithfulness has rescued me
From the despair in which I entangled myself.
Why do you flee, my hope,
Why do you run from the new day before you?
See, the Lord has turned my tears to gladness
And my downfall to the raising of hands
In praise of the good things He has done.




So, why'd I do that again?
What is love?
Why can't I have it?
Why is waiting so hard?
How do I be strong?
Will it last?
How will I know?
What if he's disappointed in me?
What if He's disappointed in me?
How do I make it right?
What do I say...
