
Emily's Tresses

A shining crown of glory
Sits atop her head
A veil of glistening gold
And the sparkles that it sheds
A queen so tall and regal
Such dignity and grace
Firm in will and action
Who's worthy to see her face?
The framing silk yet softens
Her beauty, striking still
The golden light continues
To rooms with radiance fill
Majestic mane that falls
The lion's envy steals
But the veil hides not her eyes
The awe-struck peasant kneels.



I Know

I don't have to see stars
To know there are heavens
I don't have to lie down
To know peace is real
I don't have to see blood
To know I'm forgiven
I don't have to feel you
To know that you care
I don't have to escape
To know this is too small
I don't have to feel fear
To know what courage is
I don't have to jump out
To know how to free fall
I don't have to let go
To know what I have
I don't have to be right
To know what I should do
I don't have to miss you
To know I need you near
I don't have to tell lies
To know the value of truth
I don't need consequences
To know when I've done wrong.


What I Believe In

Staring at the white
Clear my thoughts from black to red
If the colors strain out right
And the words are rightly fed
Then the prisms fall all brightly
And illuminate the glass
While the world looks without interest
As a blind, unthinking mass
I'm sick of all the hate songs
Of why we are at war
I'm tired of depression
I won't take it any more
Let the guns blaze on, the dying
Well yet testify themselves
If right is democratic
Then morality gets shelved
I'll defend what I believe in
From my neighbors just as well
As the enemy attacker
That wants my friends in hell
So have all your opinions
After all, it is your right
And leave defense to those who care
Enough for it to fight.




Eleven more days of control
Eleven days to turn my world around
Eleven more days to be my own person
Eleven days before I'm half or whole
Eleven more days until the future is found
Eleven days of my self-desertion
Eleven more days for the easy way
Eleven days of choices
Eleven more days of freedom
Eleven days to not say
Eleven more days of voices
Eleven days to become numb
Eleven more days to give up
Eleven days to be strong
Eleven more days to think it out
Eleven days to stare at this cup
Eleven more days to be wrong
Eleven days to cry and shout
It's only just the beginning.
