

Blog a day for a month? I think not.

This was funny though.

"Let him kiss me wit da kissus of hiz mouf--
for yer love be moar delitefool den cheezbugers. Srsly."

Srsly awsum.




Not engaged, but shiny. Cool. :-D



Schmitty Psalm #2

I cry out to You, my Savior, my Refuge.
My enemies encircle me with false embraces,
With lying lips they praise me.
Remove them from my presence
Deliver me from their midst,
Surround me with those who love You;
Those who serve the Lord, the true God.
Religion does not satisfy my thirst for You,
But godly living draws me near to Your heart.
My enemies bind me with cords of tradition:
Woven with good intentions,
But decayed by legality and hypocrisy.
Give me a heart like Yours,
Renew my desire for Your ways
And direct my paths for Your pleasure
Then I will honor You, in freedom and joy.
Those who oppose me would tie me down
But they will see my joy and Your favor,
And envy me.
Make Your servant an example of Your goodness
And put my enemies to shame.



Schmitty Psalm #1

The Lord my God, You are my strong deliverer.
You, my Savior, will place victory around me.
My victory is not what I forsaw;
Your blessings I counted as curses.
But your faithfulness has rescued me
From the despair in which I entangled myself.
Why do you flee, my hope,
Why do you run from the new day before you?
See, the Lord has turned my tears to gladness
And my downfall to the raising of hands
In praise of the good things He has done.




So, why'd I do that again?
What is love?
Why can't I have it?
Why is waiting so hard?
How do I be strong?
Will it last?
How will I know?
What if he's disappointed in me?
What if He's disappointed in me?
How do I make it right?
What do I say...



This is the Secret of My Life.

I know no matter what happens.. no matter what I do.. I'm loved. I have purpose. Just doing the tasks before me to the best of my ability glorifies the One who gave me those abilities, because it isn't me. If I fail, that's okay.. He's not going to withdraw his love based on what I do or don't do. He'll help me learn from my mistakes and grow and do better.. and when I do better, it glorifies Him in that way too. When I fail and I take it and move on, that glorifies Him because that shows the world doesn't matter, only He does. My purpose IS glorifying the King of the Universe... and that's something I can do simply because of what He's done for me, no matter what else happens. My purpose is fulfilled every day, because He loves me so much, and gives me so much love it just overflows to everybody around me.. That brings Him glory, and I am complete in that.
That's my secret: I have a purpose, I'm fulfilling it. I have love and I love others. That's the key to true joy.. not happiness, JOY. Joy lasts beyond circumstances.




Walking in a misty woods
Serene and peaceful sylvan moon
Knowing my goal lies ahead
Tread with patience, reach it soon
The velvet darkness strokes my hair
The north moss clings damply to skin
The ground begins to slope uphill
I start to forget where I've been
The earth is muddy, slope is steep
I found a hole, I went around
But then the cavern draws me in
The sludge begins to slide back down
The trees block out the moon's soft light
I fall, but struggle upward still
My feet are dangling off the edge
I'm farther down than up this hill
The pit echoes with empty calls
The sweet seduction of sick minds
I start to fight, but want to fall
Curious to what I'd find
I grasp and fill my fists with filth
And the night with battle cries
Lunge again 'gainst gravity
Find a power that denies
It's over now, I'm moving up
Crawled back out, covered in slime
Progress hurts but less with help
Shouldn't have fallen down that time.



A monologue that no one sees
Delivered to the silence of solitude
In the empty space of emotionless time
This is my shout that falls dead on the floor
For lack of a receiving ear
Cast adrift in an uninterested world
To float 'til it finds a resting place
My backwards-tied thoughts
Like my backwards-tied shoelaces
Twisted but mindless
Force of habit
Force of words.
