
This is the Secret of My Life.

I know no matter what happens.. no matter what I do.. I'm loved. I have purpose. Just doing the tasks before me to the best of my ability glorifies the One who gave me those abilities, because it isn't me. If I fail, that's okay.. He's not going to withdraw his love based on what I do or don't do. He'll help me learn from my mistakes and grow and do better.. and when I do better, it glorifies Him in that way too. When I fail and I take it and move on, that glorifies Him because that shows the world doesn't matter, only He does. My purpose IS glorifying the King of the Universe... and that's something I can do simply because of what He's done for me, no matter what else happens. My purpose is fulfilled every day, because He loves me so much, and gives me so much love it just overflows to everybody around me.. That brings Him glory, and I am complete in that.
That's my secret: I have a purpose, I'm fulfilling it. I have love and I love others. That's the key to true joy.. not happiness, JOY. Joy lasts beyond circumstances.


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